Finding out that a girlfriend is cheating on you
can be a sickening shock. There is so much
press about men cheating on women, the fact
that women sometimes cheat on men is
unheard of. If you suspect that your girlfriend
is being unfaithful, look for a combination of
tell-tale signs and clues. However, keep in mind
that there is no more definitive sign of cheating
other than catching your girlfriend in the act.
She pays increased attention to her
Women involved in new relationships often
become preoccupied with their looks.
According to AskMen.com, it is a sign that your
girlfriend is cheating when she suddenly
changes hairstyles, starts wearing a new
perfume, buys new clothes (particularly
lingerie) and starts working out more at the
gym. Assuming that she hasn’t started a new
job or had some other big change in her life,
take these changes as signs.
She engages in secretive behavour
Cheating girlfriends often become very
guarded and cagey. Dr. Reena Sommer, a
divorce and affair consultant and author of the
book “The Anatomy of An Affair,” observes that
when cheating mates are working on a
computer, they are often quick to close or
change a program window whenever you
approach. Similarly, Dr. Robert Huizenga, an
infidelity coach quoted in an article on
Womans divorce.com, says that a cheating
girlfriend may begin to delete emails from her
email inbox, where before she let them
accumulate. A cheating girlfriend may
suddenly start taking her ringing cell phone
into another room before answering it, and
then delete the caller ID number once she’s
finished the call.
She becomes vague about her
Dr. Sommer notes that it is common for
unfaithful mates to be evasive about their
whereabouts and activities. If your girlfriend
suddenly has difficulty giving a straight answer
about where she was or what she was doing
during the day, it may be a sign that she’s
cheating on you.
She frequently talks about a certain new
male friend
Sometimes a friend is just a friend, but if your
girlfriend speaks of one new male friend more
than any other, it may be that she is having an
affair with him. CatchingThemCheat.com notes
that even if this friendship is something she
admits to openly, it is still a relationship of
which you should be wary. You should be
particularly suspicious if you never met this
friend. AskMen.com warns you to be concerned
if she suddenly never mentions the friend
again after talking about him constantly.
She is increasingly argumentative and
Cheating girlfriends may become highly
argumentative, nit-picky and defensive.
CatchingThemCheat.com warns that a
girlfriend who starts arguing over little things
or nothing may suggest that she is both
cheating and looking for a way out of your
She is suddenly less interested in you
If your girlfriend seems to no longer care about
spending time with you, or is less interested in
your appearance, health and general well-
being, it could be a sign of unfaithfulness.
AskMen.com notes that cheating girlfriends
often become less critical of their men, having
found someone who does not have the same
habits and qualities.
She is disinterested in sex
The amount of sex a couple has may decrease
for many reasons, including busy schedules,
depression, stress, and lack of novelty.
However, infidelity may also be a major factor.
SignsOfACheater.com observes that because
emotional attachment is key to many women
in their sexual relationships, some cheating
girlfriends may exhibit less desire for their
boyfriends because they feel emotionally
removed from them.
She has started working lots of overtime
A classic sign of infidelity is when your
girlfriend starts working more–a lot more. Dr.
Sommer notes that this suspicious change in
work schedule can manifest itself in different
ways: leaving the house earlier to go to work;
coming home later; or claiming to have many
business dinners. But take note: is there a
pattern to these extra working hours? Every
Tuesday and Thursday, for example? If so, that
may be a sign that something is wrong. Keep
in mind that if the job is new or she has
recently received a promotion, there is no need
to immediately suspect that she is cheating.
She is less affectionate with you
Consider whether your girlfriend has stopped
calling you by a special nickname, is less
inclined to hug or kiss you, or respond
enthusiastically to your affectionate overtures.
According to MensSpot.com, a drop in affection
may mean that someone else is dominating her
She accuses you of cheating
A cheating girlfriend may try to deflect
attention from herself by going on the
offensive. Sabrina Summer field of
Your Marriage Angel.com says that if you have
given her no reason to think that you’re
cheating, and yet she frequently accuses you
of playing around, then she may be the person
who is unfaithful.
source- YNAIJA
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