Tuesday, 20 November 2012

(CNN) – When Sophia Bailey-Klugh, a 10-year-old, invited President Barack Obama to dinner,she didn’t get a response.So when he replied to her second letter–this onethanking him for his position on same-sexmarriage–the girl with two fathers was reallysurprised.– Follow the Ticker on Twitter:@PoliticalTickerOne of Sophia’s fathers, Jonathan Bailey, postedthe letter to Facebook on October 28, sayingSophia penned the piece “unprompted” and itmade her two fathers “so unbelievably proud.”“Dear Barack Obama,” she wrote. “It’s SophiaBailey Klugh your friend who invited you todinner. You don’t remember okay that’s fine. ButI just wanted to tell you that I am so glad youagree that two men can love each other becauseI have two dad and they love each other.”Sophia, who lives with her fathers in San Diego,California, went on to write about how otherstudents at her school say her parents’ marriageis “gross and weird.”“It really hurts my heart and feelings, so I cometo you because you are my hero,” she wrote,asking for advice on what he would do if he werein her shoes.“I hope you win on being the president. Youwould totally make the world a better place,” sheended the letter. “Please tell your daughters hifor me!”Also on the page was a drawing of her two dadskissing, with the word “love” written overhead.A week later, Jonathan posted a letter with thepresident’s letterhead at the top. It was datedNovember 1 and addressed to Sophia.“Thank you for writing me such a thoughtfulletter about your family. Reading it made meproud to be your president and even morehopeful about the future of our nation,” the letterstated.“In America, no two families look the same. Wecelebrate this diversity,” Obama continued. “Andwe recognize that whether you have two dads orone mom what matters above all is the love weshow one another. You are very fortunate to havetwo parents who care deeply for you. They arelucky to have such an exceptional daughter inyou.”Shortly after North Carolina voters approved aconstitutional amendment banning same-sexmarriage in May, Obama announced in atelevised interview that he had “evolved” in hisposition on the issue and believed two people ofthe same gender should legally be allowed towed.Americans have largely been divided on the issueof same-gender marriage. According to CNN ExitPolls from Election Day, 49% of Americans saidthey agreed that same-sex marriage should belegal in their respective state, while 46%disagreed.Obama overwhelmingly won the support of thosewho identified themselves of gay, lesbian orbisexual–76% to Mitt Romney at 22%. WhileRomney personally opposes same-sex marriageand civil unions, he did say he supporteddomestic partnership rights and favored theright for a gay couple to adopt children.In his letter, Obama suggested that Sophiaremind her friends at school about the GoldenRule: “A good rule is to treat others the way youhope they will treat you.”“Thanks again for taking the time to write me,”he continued. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it todinner, but I’ll be sure to tell Sasha and Malia yousay hello.”When Jonathan Bailey posted the letter from thepresident, he also offered his own personalthanks.“Thank you Barack Obama – you have made one10-year old feel mighty special (and her two dadstoo),” he wrote in the caption of the photo.

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