Wednesday, 21 November 2012

I’ll bounce back soon – Blackface The story of the Nigerian music industry remainsincomplete without the inclusion of AugustineGaruba Ahmedu, otherwise known as BlackfaceNaija of the defunct Plantashun Boiz.Unknown to many, Blackface Naija who co-ownsAfrican Queen, the song that gave 2face Idibafame remains a force to reckon with in the ever-growing Nigeria’s music industry.Asked what has been happening around himlately, the Idoma-born music star would alwayssay “It is all about music. This is the path I’vechosen, this is where I belong and here I willremain.”In this brief chat with DailyPost Correspondent,Comrade Ameh, the Hard Life crooner dismissedthe news making the rounds that his wifeabandoned him because he’s broke. “I don’t seethat as an issue, if they say my wife left mebecause I’m broke; good and fine but the goodthing is that I’ve never complained to any ofthem. They can say whatever they want to say,but the truth is that once you are in somethingand it doesn’t work out, you have to let go.”“It is true that my wife has left me, but it hasnothing to do with my status. I can tell you nowthat I’m not missing her, I’m only missing my twokids, Alex and Caroline,” he added.Speaking further, he said: “I would like to tell myfans to watch out for my forthcoming album. Iwas only quiet, reflecting over my new musicalapproach, which is not conventional. I think Ihave a new way of doing things all together. I’llsoon bounce back. My best is yet to come, Ihaven’t gone anywhere”Asked if he will still reconcile with his estrangedwife , the father of two said: “I think music is nowmy wife. Maybe one day I will give that a secondthought but for now, music is my life, my wife.”Asked when the much awaited Plantashun Boiz’album would hit the market shelves, the acesongwriter cuts in: ‘I even answered this veryquestion last week. For Christ sake where is thatone coming from? Some people could be funnysha.“I said it before and if you want to hear I will tellyou again. Right now, I am working on my fourthalbum entitled Defender and until that isactualized I don’t see any other thing coming onboard. I don’t rush my things, so the project isnot on my mind” he affirmed.Finding out what must have gone wrong withPlantashun Boiz, he said “We still keep in touch,we are not fighting. 2face is my brother and Fazeis my friend and colleague in the industry. Thename Plantashun Boiz won’t die but I don’t see uscoming back as a band again. We must moveahead.On why he’s not making waves like 2face andFaze, Blackface said, it’s all about destiny. “We allhave our fans and followers. Go to the market, myalbums are still selling up till today. My first soloalbum, Ghetochild was a hit. I don’t blow mytrumpet, like I would always say, a dog that bitesdoesn’t bite indiscriminately.”When asked to comment on how he came upwith the song, African Queen, Blackface said,“that is an old story na. I think you are a journalistand there is something called stalled news? Howcan you be asking me of something thathappened over ten years back in 2012? As far as Iam concerned that is an old story.When prodded further if he is getting royalty from2face, the three-times album star and graduate ofBusiness Administration said. “You na case o,where you dey here all these sef? You know that Ican’t answer that question.”

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