Monday, 19 November 2012

PresidentGoodluckJonathanthiseveninghostedhisfourthPresidentialMediaChatsincereturningtoofficeinMay 2011. During the two-hour programmewhich was broadcast live on major TV stationsbetween 7p.m. to 9p.m, he tackled questionsfrom a panel of senior media practitioners andmembers of the public who sent in theirquestions via Twitter and SMS.The questions thrown at him ranged frominsecurity to economy, corruption, fuel subsidy,second term, education and more.Here are some highlights of his responses tovarious questions and comments which havebeen trending since the chat.On the expenditure of the State House onfeeding and ancillary services“There is a lot of misconception about the StateHouse”…. “I even eat two times a day, breakfastand dinner; and the food I eat is not veryexpensive.”On Boko HaramIt was earlier reported that the FederalGovernment had begun dialogue with the sect,however, he said “So far, no dialogue is going onwith the government and Boko Haram.”On whether he would run for a second termin officeHe asked for more time for himself and cabinet towork before he is faced with the question ofwhether he will run for elections in 2015 or not.“Four years is too small to make an impact, themedia should give me time please… I don’t wantto distract members of my cabinet.”On Corruption“The effort this government has put in in fightingcorruption, I don’t think any other person hasdone that. This government is fighting corruptionand the results are obvious.”On Fuel Subsidy RemovalThe President said he was misquoted in someinstances. “If we want to remove subsidy, wewouldn’t have made provisions for subsidy in2013 budget.”On Unemployment“We are working very hard. You cannot get jobsovernight, we are coming up with programs like#SURE #YOUWIN to develop people…. I neverpromised to reduce poverty. I promised to createwealth.”On Constitutional AmendmentThe President said he cannot teach the NationalAssembly their job on constitution review even ifhe supports a referendum. “It will not be properfor me now to begin to impose my ideas.”On Fuel ScarcityThe Presidents said by the time he concludes with“the issue of sanitizing the oil sector,” the issue ofqueues in fuel stations will be over. “As we aretalking today, there is no fuel queue in BeninRepublic, and all the fuel are from Nigeria, yetthere is fuel queue in Lagos,” he said blaming thehuman factor for the current scarcity of fuel inNigeria.He made some promises:“Before the middle of next year, we would havestable electricity in Nigeria.”“I will fix the Benin-Ore road.”Cleared up some controversies:“The first lady is OK. She was with us in servicetoday. She is fine.”And said his administration was focusing onprogression“We have set up a committee to identify whynone of our Universities are among the top 100 inthe world.”The media chat ended with the presidentassuring that he, with his vice president andteam, will “leave something behind by the end ofhis four year tenure that Nigerians will be proudof.”Despite the President’s efforts at reassuringNigerians of his commitment to the country’sdevelopment, the media chat has been greetedwith widespread criticism with many having littlefaith in his words. What do you think about thetopics raised and the President’s responses?

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